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Words to Sinners

Friday, April 27, 2012


Many are taken up with this pastime or that goal, and they forget why God created them. As they wander from my path, they suffer hardships that need never have happened. They even inflict hardships on others because their life is out of control. All of this could have been avoided. Their life should be filled with earthly and heavenly happiness. Instead, it becomes like a wineskin that holds no wine.

Leaving the Road

Yet, I watch and watch as so many of my children leave the road of virtue to follow the attractions of vice. All are entangled in bonds that they cannot break. In sorrow like a mother who sees what happens every day. Let me speak to this issue.

Because of its great attractiveness, sin ensnares very quickly. Even a person trained in virtue, who has followed virtue for a long time, can become entwined in forces that claim them, pulling them away from all that was taught to them. Those who feasted on the bread of angels now are quite content with the worldly bread that can never satisfy them.

Powerful Forces

What is the problem? They are pulled in so many different directions. Even if they resist, they do not have the strength to resist all that the world and the devil throw at them. They are assaulted on every side by the most powerful of forces. The lure of great attractions increases every day. There are more and more doors into the sinful.

O reader, if this is you then listen to my words. I will come for you, no matter what sins you have committed and no matter what sinfulness fills your life. List them all – lust, greed, murder, selfishness, abortion, divorce, infidelity, prostitution, homosexuality, theft, lies. Need I go on?

Make your own list of what you have done. Never, never say that your life is hopeless, that you can never save your soul. I know the road of sin that you have taken and I know the road back to goodness where you want to be.

Comment: Mary searches and searches. No one need be lost.

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