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Where Is Mankind?

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Can light enter into this demonic darkness that enslaves the world? An awakening is needed. A piercing and comprehensive light that shows man where he is, how he arrived at this point, and, most important, how he can be saved. What a task. Yet, I will undertake this work.

Every day, mankind inevitably moves into greater demonic darkness. He decides but does not see the consequences of his actions. Having set aside God’s commandments, his only light is his interior disorders. Nothing restrains them. He has made himself a god, deciding for himself what is right and wrong. This is how mankind has come to this moment.

Another force is also at work. Mankind does not believe in the demonic world and feels no need for God’s powers. This total blindness allows Satan to have free rein. The smoke arising from the 9/11 Twin Towers revealed his presence and showed forth his powers to destroy. Every single moment his powers are destroying the earth.

Such is mankind’s state, lost in darkness, guided by his own inner disorders, subject to satanic powers, and helpless. Now, would anyone dare declare the greatness of mankind? Would anyone dare speak of the world’s wisdom? Mankind has miscalculated, overreached, underestimated his adversary, released disorders, praised his own wisdom, charted his selfish course, set aside almighty God, destroyed his commandments and is totally ignorant of where his journey has taken him.

There is a light, but to follow its road will require much. I offer a door, but it is narrow, and I provide a safe path, but it is steep. This is not a journey of one day or one year but it is the only path. How will the world ever learn this road? Locutions are not enough. I must raise up a living voice, known to all, and loved by everyone. Soon, very soon, I will bring him forth.

Comment: Our Lady, often describing mankind’s failures, always offers her special help.

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