When the Woman Spoke to George Washington
Sunday, September 04, 2011
So many do not see or understand. That is why I must speak so clearly. Like a wall that is built slowly, so has the wall of evil been put in place. When the wall is finished, Satan will believe that he has an inevitable victory, but it will not be so. There will be a way out of his wall for all who follow me. Now listen, so the divine light will show you the way.
The Secular Man
These themes I repeat often but they must be learned well. There are unimaginable problems ahead. The world has seen only a few, the previews of what is to come. There will be a great shift of power away from those nations that used to call upon me. Yes, I must say it, “that used to call upon me”. Long ago, they left the Church. They left the side of my Son. They adopted different values and put on a different garment. Now, they are Christian in name only.
Their building still stands but they have no foundation. Their people are not united in faith.
They have nothing holding them together. The secular spirit only responds in prosperity and abundance. It dissolves when faced with catastrophe. “Every man for himself”. This is the cry of the secular man. “How can I preserve what is mine?” are the thoughts of his heart. Where does that leave a nation in the time of crisis? To whom can they turn, when all are seeking their own interests?
America still breathes. It still has life. It still remains my hope. If only I can cure it of its sickness, it will regain its strength. Even more, it will regain its purpose, the noble purpose for which I brought it forth. Let me define the purpose of America.
George Washington
O America, I appeared to your first president when he was still a general at Valley Forge. I told him of three moments in the history of the republic – the present moment in which he found himself, a future moment when brother would kill brother, and a moment yet to come. Go back and read those words. They are recorded by your historians. See what I said about the first two moments that have already happened. Then, you will believe my words about the third moment which is about to happen. More important, you will understand that this republic came about through my hands and that your nation has always been in my hands. Then, you will turn to me.
Comment: Mary is speaking of her appearance to George Washington at Valley Forge, which has been publicized widely.
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