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When Hope Is Shattered

Sunday, June 17, 2012


In difficult times, many turn back. They abandon their hopes and allow their dreams to be destroyed. This rips apart the fragments of their lives, leaving all in shreds. They have lost the dream that brought together all their forces for the single goal.

This also destroys relationships. People gather because they share a goal. When hope is lost, all fragments. The person has no inner oneness and society possesses no hope that brings its people together. Once hope is shattered, who can piece it together, who can restore its power? Shattered hope is like a mirror broken into many pieces. Who can restore its beauty?

Hope is my gift. I hold this in my heart for anyone who wishes to take it. I pour hope upon all who come to me. Hope is my secret. My children can go through many sufferings and disappointments without losing hope. Even if their hope gets shattered (usually when they forget me and walk away), I can restore hope if they return.

When people have many material goods they set hope aside and place their security in their possessions. But what happens when their possessions are taken away? They have forgotten how to hope. They never needed God’s help. They never needed to hope. They are isolated because material goods took the place of people. When people have little, they stay together in hope. When they have much, they separate in independence and self-security. Then, they are not ready for hard times.

I am trying to prepare you for the hard times that you will face. Set your material goods aside and pick up once more your religious hope. Be drawn into the gift that I offer you by these messages. It is an inner gift, the spiritual stirrings in your soul. Do not be surprised by your new desires for a life with God. I am placing them there because you read my messages.

Read them often. Read them slowly. Many sentences will touch your heart. I provide everything and I ask from you only the effort which you can easily give.

Comment: A person and a group (such as a family) can survive anything with hope. Without hope, everything comes apart.

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