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Waking Up!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


My gifts do not come in any order. They pour out. Whatever is needed is given immediately. Others are held back until the person is able to receive. All is according to the Father’s desire.

All must know about these gifts. They are essential for the time ahead. There will be ordinary gifts to fulfill daily duties and extraordinary gifts to face the events. Do not waste any time. You must receive now, according to my instructions.

First, you must believe. Faith comes from hearing, so I must speak. You have entered a new moment of human history. The war between Satan and the Woman Clothed With the Sun has begun.

The first shots have already been fired. He has launched his offensive, but very few are aware. Others buy and sell as if nothing is happening and the world will just continue on.

We must prepare by only one means. I equip my soldiers with the most extraordinary powers to repulse Satan’s attacks and to weave a wall of protection around their families and communities. What is now in place is woefully inadequate. It is outdated and ineffective. Besides, few are really interested.

So, the first gift that I pour out is an awakening. People must wake up to the new realities. Satan has chosen this time in history to launch his offensive. The heavenly Father has prepared for this moment and has placed every gift in my Immaculate Heart. I wake you up to these realities so you do not despair at the events and so that you daily seek my gifts.

Comment: Yesterday was Black Friday, when millions did a lot of buying and selling. People are often slow to realize that things have changed.

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024

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