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Two Americas

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


Yes, there will be two Americas. One will be large and plunge into the darkness. The other will be small, like the lamb that a shepherd holds close to his breast. I will take all of my riches and all of my promises and give them to this little lamb. The rest of the flock I can do nothing for because they do not listen to the shepherd’s void.

How great will be the love I have for this new America. Like a shepherd who has only one lamb remaining, so will be my love for this little flock.


Now, I come to the heart of my message, a deep truth that has been kept hidden until now. You, O reader, needed to be prepared by these locutions to understand this teaching.

Enemies of the Church will rise up, believing that the Church is more vulnerable than ever before. They will have in their grasp all the means of communicating to the whole world. They will say, “Come, let us destroy the Church. This is our moment of opportunity”. They will not attack the body, but the head. They have no interest in wounding the Church. They want to kill it, once and for all, hoping to inflict a mortal wound that would destroy the unity of the Church and cause schisms, whereby large parts of the Church would break the unity of the bishops with the pope. All of this seems impossible but I must warn the Church that difficulties never seen before lie on the horizon.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Icon
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