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True Leaders

Saturday, November 10, 2012


It is time to move on, to see what can be gathered among the ruins. Who is there who will speak for the righteous, especially for the unborn? Who will be their voice? Many will come forth, wanting to carry the standard, but whose hands are worthy, whose heart is clean? This is what I demand. I want my leaders to have hands free of bribes and hearts free from evil. I call many to serve. Let them come forth. I need only their good intentions and a willingness to be purified in my blood. This is the path to true leadership – to be a disciple of the Lamb who was slain.


There is always a future, a time to move on because the great gift of my Son’s return in glory has not yet happened. Only then, will the Father’s plan for creation be fulfilled. So, I say these parting words to those who have listened. Never let your hearts be troubled. Behind the darkness, indeed at the very moment of the greatest darkness, I will come for you. I will be with you and I will remain until my Son returns in glory. Let us await him together in great hope. Come, Lord Jesus.

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024

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