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Treasures Placed By Jesus

Thursday, November 27, 2014


I want to reveal to the whole world the treasures which Jesus has placed in my heart. He began to place these riches from the first moment of my Immaculate Conception. He poured out infinite treasures during the nine months that he lived in my womb. However, it was during his mortal life that he gave me the greatest gifts.

First, I saw his tiny face and hands. Later, I heard his words, which revealed so much of his own thoughts and desires. Finally, I saw him preach and heal. Then, there was the journey to Jerusalem and his death on the cross. Every moment, his riches multiplied within me.

After his resurrection, he appeared to me and imparted his risen glory. Later, Jesus sent his Spirit on Pentecost. The Spirit abided with me all the days of my life, finally assuming me, body and soul, into heaven, where I was clothed with the sun.

I have stored up all of these riches, like a mother saving for her children. I reveal them so you can receive. We will take time. I will go slowly and explain each treasure. You are not just to listen. You must make the efforts needed to receive.

Comment: If we receive Our Lady’s treasures we will remain faithful to God’s will.

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