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Today’s Mountain Stream

Monday, March 16, 2015


The stream pours down like water from a mountainside, able to bless every part of the valley. However, many will resist this stream. Others will reject it, not realizing its saving power. I speak so all can understand and can receive the full power of this stream. I will bring about two actions, external and internal. In the times of darkness that lay ahead, I will certainly give external signs. These are needed to help people believe and not lose heart. However, only external signs are not enough. My streams must reach the inner heart to truly be effective.

These inner mountain streams are already pouring down upon the valley. Do not wait for external signs, even though I promise that these will come. The inner streams are much more important and are flowing right now.

The war between light and darkness will continue. The breakthroughs will occur, but if millions have experienced these inner streams, the truly devastating aspect will not result. So many talk and speculate about future signs and wonders. They overlook the great miracles, the inner workings, the tiny and hidden acts, that I want to do today. For so many, today will be a great day. Heaven will come to your heart.

Comment: People miss the present gift by thinking of the future. They miss the inner gift by focusing on the external signs.

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