Today Vanishing Into Tomorrow
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Human life takes place within time. One moment opens out into the next in an endless series.
No one can stop this process because God has created time. Man, therefore, is helpless. He can record time and assign a date to today, but he cannot stop today from vanishing and giving way to tomorrow.
A person who appreciates the passing nature of earth and the short moment of every life can grasp what I am saying. A world which lives by faith understands that no one can hold on to today. No one can build a permanent earthly city.
A world without faith is foolish and spends all of its time trying to build permanency upon the shifting sands of time. Satan uses this foolishness to build his cities and gather his armies. He has brought human history to this point where humanity has left behind the light of eternity and has chosen the darkness of time.
How many false beliefs flow from this foolishness, as if time heals all wounds, or that problems will be solved in due time, or that time is a cycle in which darkness is always followed by light and problems always have solutions.
My message is clear. Time is not an inevitable cycle. Time is a story, with man’s free will playing an important role. Time is a road and man has chosen the road of darkness. The light does not come automatically, like day following night. At this present time, humanity is walking a road that is so dark, it will lead to permanent and disastrous changes to earth. I cannot and will not allow that to happen but man must stop thinking about the passing goals of time and begin to seek the changeless riches of eternity. To act otherwise is complete and total foolishness. The greatest fools are the rich and the powerful.
Comment: Man’s thinking is totally confused when he takes no account that everything on earth passes away.
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