To Those Who Never Heard the Gospel
Sunday, May 01, 2011
I speak to you who have never heard the gospel because you have been deprived of a great light. Everyone on earth has a right to hear the gospel of my Son, but sometimes missionaries did not reach you. Governments have refused them entrance or even ejected them from your land.
No more. Governments can no longer banish a word that goes forth electronically. I speak first to you because others have had their chance to hear the gospel. It is a new day. I will preach and you will hear. No one will stop the gift.
The Conception of Jesus
I begin with a mystery which was hidden in my womb and first revealed in a Jewish culture, 2000 years ago. God became man. He took flesh and blood. He came among us and was seen and heard by those who lived in Israel.
Why Israel? Because God had prepared them for centuries. They knew there was only one God. He had spoken to them through the prophets. As a young girl, I was instructed in these sacred books. I was a daughter of God and a daughter of Israel, prepared by my sacred culture to be the mother of God. Yes, I am the mother of God and I want to be your mother.
Life of Jesus
My Son’s name is Jesus. He performed miracles, signs and wonders. He proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was breaking through and that his life would begin this great event. The leaders of Israel were jealous. They were angry because my Son denounced many of their practices. They feared him because large crowds followed and believed. So, they killed him, nailing him to a cross. I was there. I saw my Son die and his heart pierced by a sword. We buried him in a new tomb and I sorrowed, more than any other mother. He was my only Son and I was a widow.
However, all of this was only a preparation. He entered the tomb to deprive it of its power.
That is the great message that I bring you. My Son won the victory. He destroyed the power of death. On the third day, he rose from the dead. His body is now in glory – unable to die or to suffer. This same glory is for you. That is my message. You do not need to fear death if you believe in my Son. This is my first message. It is basic but even now you can see how deprived you have been by not hearing these words. I promise I will make it up to you.
Comment: The good news of Jesus Christ will go forth electronically, preached by God’s greatest messenger – Mary, God’s mother.
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