This Final Age of My Coming
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
How should mankind move toward this Final Age of my coming? Certainly, not by “buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage”. These are the necessary activities of earth but man must be lifted up higher.
Whenever there is a divine visitation, what is normally done each day must be put aside. The blessings come to all but are only received when the earth pays full attention.
This is why I speak, O reader. I want you to be fully aware. If you need mercy, mercy is abundant. If you need light, light will be given to you. If you need do turn way from sin, the grace of conversion is available. The divine favors are falling from the heaven. Why, to prepare your heart for my coming divine visitation. My words are clear and my message is complete.
The divine visitation will be soon but the divine favors are now. When formerly, God would give ten blessings, he now bestows a hundred. When before he would hold back his favors until a more propitious time, now he bestows them, knowing how soon he will come. Now that we have comes to the end of this teaching, read our words again. You have obtained the main thoughts. Go back and gather up the blessings that you missed the first time.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024