The Year 2014
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
The door opens, the New Year begins. Who knows what the 12 months ahead hold in store for mankind? I will speak of the world that is hidden from view.
During this year, many forces will be released that will move mankind closer and closer to the darkness. These forces are already in place. The problems will not be new but their manifestations and powers will be greater, and, in some moments, very surprising to the whole world.
The shifting from light into darkness will accelerate. Places that now claim stability will suffer violence. The economic foundations will be shaken but will not yet collapse. The turmoil will grow, yet 2014 is not the year of the great chastisements.
Although I bring a warning, I also bring hope. There is still time. However, until the great powers placed in my Immaculate Heart are released, the tide toward evil is inevitable. The forces of darkness have the field all to themselves.
The consecration of Russia will not happen in 2014. Even so, I will do all in my power to limit the darkness and to hold back the inevitable. You, O reader, cherish my love for you and seek my blessings. I do not hold these favors back from anyone who invokes me.
Comment: Mary’s description of 2014 is very clear. Neither the chastisements nor the consecration of Russia will take place.

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