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The Year 2012

Thursday, November 24, 2011


All will readily agree that these are not the usual times. But what are the causes of these tumults, of these destructive waves that hit upon the shore? This is what mankind cannot see.

They cannot get to the bottom of things. As the tumults continue, man begins to lose hope that there is any answer at all. He sees that the answers are beyond his resources.

Satan’s Strategy

This is Satan’s strategy. He wants to lead mankind into a total state of despair, the despair that exists in hell. He wants to turn earth into a hell of confusion, hatred, violence and hopelessness. The signs of these are already appearing. As a rash appears on the skin and warns of some deeper unknown illness, so all the signs are appearing in human history. This is a time when the inner illnesses of man are making themselves evident for all to see.

Compare 2000 and 2012

Who would challenge these words of mine? Who would claim that the world is better and safer than at the year 2000? Was there not a worldwide euphoria with the beginning of the new millennium? However, I saw what lay ahead. Now, you yourselves have seen eleven years of this century. What are your thoughts? Has not human life shifted drastically? Does not the year 2000 look peaceful compared to the problems of 2011? The year 2000 was the very recent past, just a decade or so ago. Look at what has happened in these eleven years! What will be the future?

What will 2020 look like? Do not even bother to look that far. The gigantic problems are at your doorstep. Dare I speak about 2012? Dare I reveal the chaos, the destruction and the collapse which will happen in that year? Will you be giving thanks one year from now? How changed the world will be!

Satan Revealing Himself

Satan now has no qualms about manifesting himself. He has thrown off his cover. He has come out of hiding. Why has he done this? For two reasons. First, he is able to act more freely. Acting in a hidden way limits the scope of activity. It means acting only behind the scenes.

Second, he wants the human race to fear, to panic and to fall into despair. He can only accomplish this by great, external signs of disaster and destruction. So, he has chosen to come out of hiding. It serves his purposes to have people acclaim his handiwork and to admire what he has been able to accomplish in destroying mankind. He thinks that he will be seen as more powerful than God. He will be seen as the inevitable victor and people will give up all hope.

These are serious words and I speak them so that everyone knows ahead of time that I have told you. In this way, you will hope in my Immaculate Heart. When these things begin to happen, you will say, “Our mother told us that this would take place.”

The Flames of Mary’s Heart

But, I will not end my words here because the history of mankind will not end with Satan’s victory. I will not allow this to happen. However, I cannot save anyone who does not come into my Immaculate Heart. Yes, the world will be aflame with destruction, but my heart will be aflame with salvation. I give you this prayer, “Mary, draw me into the saving fire of your Immaculate Heart”. Say this and I will save you.

Comment: Who can argue that gigantic problems have come upon the world since 2000? Who can argue that 2012 will not be a year of destruction?

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024

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