The Voice of Light
Friday, June 20, 2014
In the middle of this darkness are many voices of light, but so many of these voices are tiny. They are voices of lay people, of children, even of religious women who are given words from heaven. These are important voices, little rays of light, but they are ignored by many. Your locutions are a big voice because of Monsignor Esseff and the stature that I have given to him. Early in his priesthood, I sent him a little girl with heavenly messages.
Then I led him to Padre Pio and later, to Mother Theresa. He has held worldwide positions and is known everywhere. People cannot ignore the light that has his name attached.
When the terrorists raise their flag over all that they will control in Iraq, a new level of terrorism will begin. They will have their own land and their own resources. This is new.
They will not just be a government that allows terrorists. They will be a government of terrorists. They will not govern in order to bless their people. They will govern to destroy the world. No one can imagine the new level of this threat.
Comment: As the situation grows more dangerous, heaven’s voice must become stronger.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024