The Two Wills
Saturday, July 14, 2012
At Baptism, I speak and say. “This is the role I want this creature to fulfill in my Mystical Body. This is where I assign them.” There are two wills. They are always united because I and the Father are one. My Father’s will has a plan for every creature and my will assigns a baptized person a place, a role, a task, a function in my Body, the Church.
The person’s inner search has two parts – to discover the powers of nature, the talents placed within by the heavenly Father. But this search will take the person only so far along the road. The person will walk the road of earth and will discover their career and their family. However, the supernatural will be closed to them and their great role in my Mystical Body will never be fulfilled.
I am the Way and everyone must find me. He who finds me, finds life. A new life opens up, with new goals that last forever. Sometimes, these new goals tear down the goals of nature. Nature stores up possessions, but the new goals distribute and give away. Nature protects the body. The new goals subject the body and do not place bodily health as a priority. All is new. This is what I will explain.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024