The Two Paths
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Gaping holes open up. Defense strategies mean nothing. How can the whole world be defended? Is there a fence large enough to keep out the intruders? O mankind, your world has been invaded by the forces of hell. You yourself have opened the doors by throwing away the security that only religious faith can provide.
Now it is too late. Your defenses have been pierced and the evil pours into your system. I do not want to say these words but you have a demonic infection and your fever will go up and up. I can only point out to you what will happen in the future.
The Muslim terrorists see this as their hour, the moment they have awaited for centuries. They have been told many stories of the past and the dreams that have not been fulfilled. In their hearts, they see this dream of their forefathers coming into view. Their dream is of worldwide domination, when all the infidels have been conquered and Allah and his prophet, Mohammed, are raised on high. Realize that you are facing demonic power and intelligence united with hearts which carry centuries of memories. These forces carry the Muslim terrorists down a road of destruction and the whole world will be dragged down that same road.
I speak now, while it is still in its beginning stage, still limited to the Middle East chaos. I invite all to learn of my plans and to follow my path. There are only two paths. Whoever rejects mine, will be taken down the other.
Comment: Our Lady is now speaking more seriously than ever before. Her messages always hold out hope but each person and the whole Church must do what she asks.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024