The Two Fires
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Open wide the doors! The time is short. This is a time of abundance, the abundant helps of God that man needs so desperately. Even if man does not seek me, I will come. Even if he does not call upon me, I will answer. The time is short and too many will perish. I will act quickly and powerfully, like a mother saving her children when the house is on fire.
Yes, soon the house will be on fire, ablaze in violence. When it is unleashed, who will not feel its wrath? This is not the wrath of God against man. It is the wrath of man against man, of neighbor against neighbor. It is already happening. Open your eyes. You are seeing only the first sparks of the great fire. They are coming forth so you might go and see. Yes, go and see the fire that now still burns beneath the surface. That is the fire that is coming. Look at it well. Do not minimize it. Do not say, “That section of the world has always been a tinderbox.
Israel has always been threatened.” This time is different. The fires will not be contained.The world will be dragged in. This is why I speak so often and, today, I speak so urgently.
The time is close. The fire is great and it will not be contained. When Satan wants a fire, is he content with one nation or one region? Does he not see himself as ruler of this world? Does he not want the whole world to become like his hell? This is his plan. He just waits until the final pieces are in place, so when he releases the fire, it will spread everywhere.
My Son has said, “I have come to cast fire upon the earth” but you have rejected this saving, purifying fire. So, you have no defense. There will be another fire, a destroying fire. This is why I speak. It is not too late. (Although at some point it will be too late for some.)
Which fire do you want – the fire of my Son or the fire of the Evil One?
I will place a new fire in the Church and the bishops must be open to this fire. They must stop walking away from the messages of my Immaculate Heart. This is the fire which I offer my people and if they do not find it in the Catholic Church, then where will they discover it?
Now, I am revealing my plan in more detail. Before the destructive fire is released (and this is inevitable), the Church and the people must have received the divine fire within my Immaculate Heart. Only if they have been deeply touched by this divine fire (which will bind them together) will they survive the satanic fire.
I speak to the bishops and the Pope. Begin now. You use so many other means that are useless against the satanic forces when the fire in my Immaculate Heart is ignored.
Comment: So many times, Mary has asked people to seek her help. Here, she shows where that help must be found, the primary place of the Catholic Church.
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