The Steps to Collapse
Monday, November 03, 2014
The events will begin with a jolt, a partial collapse from economic difficulties in one part of the world. All will view this with alarm but no one will see this as the beginning of a series of events.
In the beginning, there will be enough resources to paper over the damage so that confidence is restored. Many however, will see this as a sign to move their assets. This will hasten the events as other parts of the economic structure are exposed as weak and unstable. The economic world is volatile, based so much on trust and confidence in the system itself. As these weaknesses are exposed, the confidence will slowly evaporate and even the strongest structures will come under assault.
The world has built an economic system which will not stand the test of its sins, of its margins of profit, of its false foundation and of the burden it has put upon the poor nations. Fairness and equity have long since been discarded. Systems have been built around conference tables making decisions that favor those who sit at those tables.
Now comes the time of reckoning. The bills are long overdue. The economic system cannot continue. It does not need God’s chastising hand. It will collapse from its own frailty.
A time of a complete reassessment will begin. Many will focus on economics. Few will focus on a change of heart, of repentance, of a return to God and religious practice. I speak now for those who will listen to my voice. These days are precious. Do not waste them. Return now to God. Reorder your day. Pray from your heart. I will help you with extraordinary graces. Much will be prepared. New beginnings. Deeper peace. Fresh faith and hope. Deeper love for your family. All must share my new gifts. Do not wait. Do not wait.
Comment: In spite of the darkened future, Our Lady always speaks of action and hope.
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