The Secrets of the Cross
Monday, August 27, 2012
All of Jerusalem learned quickly what had happened. I was dragged before them as a prisoner. My accusers had the final word. They swayed the crowds. No one spoke on my behalf. I, myself, was silent when I could easily have defended myself before Pilate. The Father wanted this. I was to be the defenseless lamb led to slaughter – the real, living Passover Lamb.
Such is the mystery of the Father in his love for man, that he would sacrifice his only begotten Son, the One who lived in his bosom for all eternity. The One he sent into the world to save the world would be sacrificed on the wood of the cross.
Only this mystery could reconcile man to God. In this is contained every mystery. All the world can understand the sacrifice of the cross. This is the door into the secrets hidden in the Father’s loving heart. Does mankind want to read this story? No, it turns away and lives, instead, in darkness.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024