The Searching of the Human Heart
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Just as the physical heart constantly beats, so the human heart constantly searches. The human person can never say, “I will search no more”. He must search. He will always search.
But where does he search when there is no light? Where does he look, when he cannot see? He turns to goals that are unworthy of human dignity or he searches for goals that will never satisfy. His heart is made for God, for heaven, for eternity. His is the eternal search for all that is beyond the human and beyond all that he can see.
Mankind suffers from tremendous illusions. It believes that the searching of the heart can be satisfied and fulfilled here on earth. He makes earth his kingdom as if his heart contained a capacity only for what he can see or taste or feel.
During these messages, I will explain the human heart with a great clarity, in all of its powers and in all of its problems. I am the Mother of the human heart and all hearts find their direction in my heart.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024