Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Pope Dies in Jerusalem

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


The Church came forth from Israel, like a child begotten by a mother, but Israel began to reject her own child. The soil rejected the fruit it had brought forth. Then came the saddest time of all. Israel and the Church were separated. Now they stand as distinct groups. The mother has rejected her child and the soil has rejected the roots that should have stayed within it.

Peter was the apostle to the Jews and Paul always preached first in the synagogues. The word was preached and the roots tried to enter more deeply into the soil. However, they could not pierce its resistance. Without deeper roots, the plant could not stay long in its original soil.

However, when the darkness comes and Israel is in distress, there will be a new moment. The Pope, the head of the Catholic Church, will go to Israel in its darkest hour and lay down his life for Israel. The eyes of many Jewish people will be opened. They will say “We have been saved by the Catholic Church”. The soil will be open and receptive again to the original seed.

My Church and my Jewish people will be joined as I have wanted them to be for centuries.

As the Church’s roots are placed once more into its original Jewish soil, the other divisions of the churches will be healed because they happened due to this first division of the Church from the Synagogue.

It will be clear to all the Christian Churches that there is a new call to unity, a call to unity at the roots and in the heart.

Churches will see what they have never seen and do what they thought they would never do.

Seeing the union of Israel and the Catholic Church, they will say, “We must be one”. All the barriers to unity, put up over the many centuries, will be swept away in one breath of the Spirit.

There will be the ingathering prophesied by Isaiah. All the riches of the nations will come to Israel. This will be true wealth, the spiritual wealth of all the Churches gathering as one in Jerusalem with Israel and the Catholic Church. My prayer will be fulfilled, that all would be one as the Father and I are one.

Also, the world will see something quite different, what they have never seen. They will see the Churches united and all the Churches united with Israel. The world will experience a powerful call to come out of darkness. The Church and Israel will be a light to all nations.

The light will not be lessened or covered over by divisions of the Churches or divisions between the Churches and Israel. The world will not be able to escape the invitation. The unity will stand before them inviting them to accept Me as Lord.

Comment: This is extraordinary. The sacrificial death of the Pope leads to a full union between Israel and the Catholic Church which leads to a reunion of all of Christianity, planted again in the soil of Israel. This greater witness will confront the world with a more powerful invitation to accept Jesus Christ as Lord.


A moment will come when I will take my beloved son, the Pope. I will walk with him to Jerusalem. For the second time I will go to Jerusalem to witness the death of a son.

When this happens the eyes of the Jewish people will see for the first time. They will see in the Pope’s death what the Catholic Church has done for them. There will be no mistake about which Church has blessed them, because it will have been done by the head of the Church and by the greatest of sacrifices. Israel will embrace the Catholic Church.

All Catholics will welcome Israel because all will have seen the decision of the Holy Father (the bishop dressed in white) to offer his life for Israel. The union between the Catholic Church and Israel will be a union of hearts brought about by the events that the whole world will have has seen and can never forget.

Comment: By the Pope’s death, Israel’s eyes will be opened to the Catholic Church and how Catholic hearts will be opened to Israel. Both happen from the same event.

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