The One Road to Life
Sunday, July 15, 2012
So many do not know the road that leads to life. It is hidden from their eyes. They never awaken to faith. They believe that they have gained everything when they have grasped the things of earth. But earth passes away. The things of earth slip through their hands. Even if they are held on to, they cannot satisfy. Clinging to earth can never satisfy. Instead, another voice whispers within, “Come this way”. So many do not hear that voice. It is drowned out by their passions. Others hear the voice, but do not grasp its importance, as if it were just one road among many. Others see the importance but they falsely misjudge that the price is too high. They cannot see that this is the priceless road, the only road the leads to life.
Yes, all must understand. Earth has many, many roads but only one road leads to life. “I am the Way”. All must search for me. “Whoever finds me, finds life”. This life is so different and those who have found this life know that, before, they were empty. I can be found. “Seek and you shall find.” I said this about myself and the new life. My first disciples asked, “Where are you staying?” “Come, and you will see”, I answered (Jn.1:37-39). That will be our next teaching.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024