The New World Created by Technology
Thursday, July 16, 2015
I have always spoken with a great consistency. Human history came from God and was given over to mankind, who enjoys free will. Once history was in his hands, mankind opened himself to the demonic. Because mankind took this path, history has been a struggle, a battle. Heaven and hell have constantly vied to gain the great prize, mankind itself.
Now the battle is pitched, higher and higher, with greater stakes upon the table. Decisions are not limited to nations or to regions. They are truly worldwide.
The human race, protected for so many centuries by isolation from others, has now become a single body, joined together and interdependent. What a fertile ground for destruction and havoc! Evil, in the greatest proportion, can flow quickly from one part of the world to another.
An infection in the toe can easily move to the heart. Mankind is in a totally new situation.
He has learned well the technology that brings about this oneness, but he has lost the faith that could keep this technology out of the hands of the Evil One. Mankind has brought forth a new creation, and, like the original creation, it is being quickly drawn under the Evil One.
These are my words. This process will continue and accelerate. The stability, built by faith before this technology existed, will more and more fall by the wayside. Mankind will realize that all the foundations of rational life have been uprooted and that he is adrift on an uncharted sea.
Who will save us? Who will get us back to the safe harbor? This is a role I have reserved for the Church, for the Holy Father, for the bishops, for the priests and religious, and most of all for my devout Children of the Locutions. O child of the locutions, I need you. Prepare devoutly. Each day is so important.
Comment: Our Lady outlines the world’s new situation. She needs our help.
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