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The New Flame

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I go now to the depth of my heart to find the most consoling words for my Church. Among your members, I find the little ones, those whose hearts are firmly set upon me. I find your missionaries who have left their native lands to preach the gospel in difficult circumstances.

I find mothers and fathers who fulfill their sacred duties and I find ministers of the word who live out their commitment. At every level and in every situation I find these people of good will.

This is my promise. I am ready to take all of them into the most sacred fire that burns in my Immaculate Heart. They will be the first ones to whom I reveal the gift. I am not asking them to do more. I am asking them to receive more, to take this new flame into their hearts. I know their hearts and if they take the new flame it will burn brightly. That is why I invite them first.

However, they must accept the invitation or they will be left behind, not ready for the difficulties that lie ahead.

Comment: Whatever we have received from God, we must be open to greater gifts, this new flame on Mary’s heart.

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024

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