Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Mission of the Woman

Thursday, September 17, 2015


Overwhelmed by the difficulties, mankind will seek various answers. Many will seek out false paths that will lead nowhere or to greater ruin. Such is the nature of man, to seek security and to find it from his own powers. But this will be different and soon man will see that his many solutions are inadequate. This will lead either to a state of despair or a time of faith.

Man does not come to faith by his own resources. He needs heaven’s helps. As I speak so clearly, I bring heavenly aid. I come as close to man as possible. I offer the clearest teachings and the greatest lights, ready to penetrate the deepest part of his intellect and to bathe him in an enormous hope. All he must do is to open himself to heaven.

This will be the state of the world, filled with the greatest satanic darkness and, at the same time, filled with the greatest heavenly lights and graces ever given. It was for such a time as this that the heavenly Father began what is called the Age of Mary.

So, the road will be clearly marked out and the Church itself will quickly embark on this surprising path, placed there from the beginning but only now manifested in its fullness.

Yes, from the beginning, because I stood at the foot of the cross and Jesus again called me “Woman”. “Behold your son”, he said. This was the beginning of the mystery, whose fullness will soon unfold. Then to the beloved Disciple, “Behold your mother” and he took me into his home.

The Catholic Church has always held me in great honor but only in these days will it fully realize the gift that I am. The Church will lift me high and honor me as never before in its history. I will also draw Israel and all the other churches into a unity which no one can conceive. Do not be overwhelmed by the darkness. Realize that heaven has prepared a surprising path.

Comment: Our Lady unfolds the great mystery of the woman.

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