The Mighty Rivers
Monday, August 26, 2013
The Holy Spirit comes as a mighty river. The soul finds itself filled with a great joy. Tears flow. Emotions pour out. The soul feels like some divine fire pierced its heart. The soul has no doubt. No one needs to explain the Holy Spirit who now works so powerfully within.
At other times, the Spirit comes like a quiet stream. Again, the soul cannot doubt. Peace, a deep and lasting peace, covers the soul. It believes and hopes in God with no effort at all.
Some divine power surrounds the soul All is different. Again, the soul knows that it abides in God’s loving hands.
There are two secrets to this great release of the Holy Spirit. First, the person must know and seek these powers. The Spirit wants to flow like a mighty river. Second, the community must believe in these powers. How can the person know unless the community believes and manifests the joy and fervor of the Spirit’s presence? I want the Church to become communities of the Holy Spirit. Anything else will completely fail. The Spirit will bring about a victory march. Without his powers, all will be defeat. This call is very deep. A superficial response loses everything.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024