The Middle East
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
In the past, I have spoken about terrorism, saying that terrorist groups were small and fragmented, but that they would grow and come together as a more powerful force. The timetable of their violence would jump ahead because of the American withdrawal and that the Syrian revolution would not end quickly (as the other revolutions did). That it would continue and from Syria would come forth the destruction of stability in the Middle East. All of this is now before your eyes. It has taken place. The Middle East has become Satan’s boiling pot.
Now, I must begin to speak again. The Middle East is the sorrow of my heart. In sorrow, I pour out my words. At this point, there is no human answer. What could have been prevented now exists. The fires have spread too far and too rapidly. The groups have become too strong, too widespread, and too well known in the Muslim world. Their growing fame is their strong point, constantly attracting young Muslims who finally see a cause that has power against the West. This touches the deepest parts of the young, who grew up in hopelessness. It fans emotions that lead to great sacrifice. The young are swept along by an illusion of a new world, not knowing that violence never ceases.
So, I will begin to teach, to instruct, to enlighten so all the world can know the future of terrorism and the threats that it poses.
Comment: Our Lady returns to a theme that filled many of the earlier locutions.

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