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The Less-Traveled Road

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I will speak gently to world leaders, because if I fully exposed all of your sins, you would cover your ears and shut your eyes. Instead, I will speak about what you are able to do. All I ask is good will.

First, look at your heart. Why have you sought this high position? What led you to public office? Only you can examine your own heart and be honest. Expose your own selfishness, your own pride and ego. I am not asking you to step down. I am only asking you to change.

You have made many decisions in darkness which you would never want to come to the light of publicity. You have two lives – your public life and your private life. One for the people to see and one which only you can see. Right now you are entangled. I do not say hopelessly entangled because I will help you.

I must ask you “Are you willing to walk a different path, one that is less-traveled?” If so, I will do two favors for you. I will free you from your entanglements and I will lift you up to a much higher position. If not, I can only leave you mired in your world that will inevitably destroy you. Such is the nature of worldly power.

Comment: Power corrupts unless God continually purifies the world leader.

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