The Last Supper
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
This was the night, the special night when all that had been promised would be given over. I would give over myself into the hands of my apostles by the mystery of my Body and Blood, and I would be handed over by Judas into the hands of my enemies.
How great were the emotions in my soul, as if the Father’s hand was moving me along in a mighty stream to which I continually said “yes”. The supper was like a drama that would be lived out millions of times until the end of history. First, the apostles had to be cleansed by my washing their feet. Then, the group itself had to be cleansed by my confronting Judas, who went out into the night.
Finally, the great gift could be given. “Take and eat. This is my Body. Take and drink, this is the chalice of my Blood of the new covenant which will be shed for many. Do this in memory of me”. The gift was complete. The apostles had been anointed with the Spirit. This would become “the breaking of the bread”, the central moment of the New Covenant. However, I had not yet paid the price, the “shedding of my blood”. That was awaiting me, but they did not realize the other events of this special night.

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