Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Kingdom Overcomes the Shadow of Death

Monday, January 30, 2012


In my Son, Jesus, the kingdom of God has come. All are welcome. Many, however, do not know that they are even invited. Because the gospel has never been preached to them, they remain “in the shadow of death”. (Lk.1:79) What does this phrase mean?

All Live in Death’s Shadow

It means that no matter how long a person lives, their life will end with death. Even if they are rich or famous or powerful, their life will end in death. Everyone on earth lives “in the shadow of death”. There is no escaping this shadow. It extends to all, young and old.

Changed Into the Kingdom’s Shadow

When my Son, Jesus, came to this world, He brought the heavenly life of the kingdom. Everybody who now lives in the shadow of death can begin to live in the shadow of the kingdom. The believer does not escape physical death because he passes through the door of death (like everyone else). However, on the other side of the door is Jesus’ kingdom. For the believer, the shadow of death has been changed into the shadow of the kingdom. That is how the believer (and his loved ones) look upon death. Jesus has brought the new shadow of life eternal, unending life with Jesus in his kingdom.

How is this gained? The answer is very important and I want to be truthful. Every person born into this world is in the shadow of death but not every person is in the shadow of the kingdom. The person must know about the kingdom and choose the kingdom. This is why the gospel must be preached. The gospel alone has the power to save from eternal death.

Life on earth will end. That is for sure. However, life need not end in the shadow of death. It can lead into the shadow of the kingdom of God. That is the new option which my Son provides.

Comment: Mary explains the great gift of Jesus. A believer sees death as the door to the kingdom.

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