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The Importance of Prophesy

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Prophecy is very important because it is the word of God. Paul writes, “Strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts, above all that you may prophesy” (1Cor.14:1) because “whoever prophesies builds up the Church (V4).

The Spirit has already given God’s word in the Bible and in the authoritative teachings of the Church. True prophesy never contradicts that word but applies the word and explains God’s plan in individual circumstance.

How the Holy Spirit wants to speak out! Through the gift of prophesy he guides the individual speaks to congregations and even leads the entire Church. To set aside this spiritual gift is to walk in a useless darkness. I ask “Can human solutions save the Church? Can the thoughts of man, even the thoughts of bishops and popes adequately guide the Church? God’s plans are hidden and he reveals the great mysteries through the prophets.

Oh, when will the spiritual gift of prophecy come forth to illumine the Church? When will those who guide my Church accept the prophetic word? Even when I speak in authorized apparitions, the words are set aside.

The future of the Church will be filled with a great light and power resulting from the Spirit pouring out his prophetic word. As Peter said, “Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” (Acts 2:17). Yes, all from the greatest to the least will speak God’s word and new life will flow out.

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