Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Holy Spirit

Thursday, March 03, 2011


Often you invoke spirits whom you fear and do not really know. I will tell you about a Spirit whom you need not fear. He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of my Son. This is what happened.

When my Son rose from the dead, he came to his disciples, those whom he had trained from the beginning. They were in deep darkness and feared for their lives.

He came into the room without opening the locked doors. When he said, “Peace I leave with you”, all their fears vanished. He showed himself alive in a real body, but transformed by heavenly glory. He breathed upon the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit”.

For forty days he appeared to them in this way, telling them to wait in Jerusalem for a full outpouring of this Holy Spirit. He was taken up to heaven and they all saw him go up. This happened right before their very eyes.

They obediently returned to Jerusalem, to that same upper room and they waited for this Holy Spirit that I want to teach you about.

On a day we call Pentecost (meaning fifty) the heavenly Father and Jesus, His only-begotten Son, sent their Holy Spirit. He came with many signs – a mighty wind and tongues as of fire which parted and rested on each one of us. We were all filled with the Holy Spirit. As a proof of the new gift, we all began to praise God in strange languages which we did not understand.

The sounds created by the Holy Spirit were heard all over Jerusalem and people who were there for the feast, gathered around this upper room. When they heard us speaking in their own language, they were amazed. This leads to the next part of our story.

Comment: Many people fear and worship false spirits. Mary wants them to know the Spirit of her Son, the Holy Spirit, the source of eternal life.

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