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The Harshness of the Coming Winter

Thursday, December 08, 2011


How difficult is the winter for so many. The people ask, “When will the springtime come?” as they look forward to the end of the cold and of the storms which often lash out at them.

Mankind cannot control the winter. Its fierceness is not subject to human wills. As the storms follow, one after another, a hopelessness sets in which is allayed only by the knowledge that spring will follow.

Is this situation of human history? Is a winter of destruction always followed by a springtime of restoration? In the middle of human destruction can someone look at a calendar and say, “I know when this will be over. It will soon be spring”. The seasons are subject to God’s will.

Winter cannot say, “I will replace the spring”. Nature has an order given to it by the creator.

Human events do not enjoy such a certainty. They are in the hands of man. They follow man’s timetable and are not subject to the order of nature. The man-made winter of harshness and suffering has no calendar. It is not automatically followed by the Spring. This is why I must speak. The harshness of winter has its times and its seasons but then it must give way. It has no choice. The heavenly Father has decreed that it be so. But, when man moves away from God, when man says, “I will determine the season”. Then there are no limits to the harm or to the length of breadth, height and depth of the destruction.

That is why I come to wrap my mantle around mankind, just like a mother wraps her child during the cold of winter. Man can begin this winter. He is free to unleash his weapons, but I am free to wrap my children in the warmest of clothes.

Satan will not harm my little ones even with the fiercest of winters. No matter how long it lasts and what devastation he plans, because I will bundle my children in the warmest of blankets. But I must say this clearly. It is not the springtime of freedom when children can run freely. It is the winter when the children must gather around their mother. This winter will be fierce. It will seem like it will never end. But, does a baby wrapped in a warm blanket and held close by his mother, even know that it is winter? Does he even think, “When will come the springtime?” or is he quite content to be held in her arms? Come to me. I would wrap the whole world in my mantle.

Comment: The images are easy to grasp, Satan’s winter overcome by Mary’s protection.

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