The Goal of the Kingdom of God
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Do not swerve to the right or the left, and allow no distractions to blind you even for one moment. Your eyes must be on the goal because eternal life or eternal death depends on this. The world does not preach to you as I do. The world holds out its favors and says, “Choose among them. They are yours. The price is right.” In this way, you spend yourself on trifles and have nothing to show for it. I preach that you must sacrifice, that you must “Lose your life” and that all is to be given away for the kingdom.
“The kingdom of God”, that is your goal. This kingdom waits for you. It already comes into your heart if you want it. This kingdom is life, fullness of life. The greatest moment in a person’s life is when they find some goal that is worth living for and dying for. For every human being, without exception, that goal is the kingdom of God. Nothing else will do. Anything less is not worthy of you and cannot fill your heart created by God.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024