The Forthcoming Failure of the Super Committee
Friday, November 11, 2011
When I give you the words, you record them for all to know. In this way, I extend my influence over human history. Yes, I must influence all of history or else mankind will plunge into the greatest darkness. This has already begun. The signs of darkness are everywhere, in every part of the world and in every facet of human life. The forces of destruction and disruption pour out freely, going wherever they wish because so few are aware and so few even know how to confront them. So, I will speak again of the true sources of these fires and what must be done.
These fires pour out from the belly of hell. They enter into human life through the hearts of those who seek their own interests. Hell gladly fills them with intelligence and power. Yes, those are the two qualities you must look for. Who are both intelligent and have power? Into these, hell pours its fire because through them, this fire pours out into all of society more quickly.
People turn to those in power. They elect them. They feel that these leaders will protect them and guide the nation well. These are the very ones whom hell fills with its fires.
As the people sense that their leaders are taking them astray and when their policies are making things worse, the fires of hell fill the intellects of these leaders with clever words.
They are able to divert the people’s eyes and to blame others. They put the clever spin on what they are doing. They paint a false picture and divert attention. The fires of hell use these people’s powers to destroy the nation and their intellects to confuse the people.
I ask you. Have I not clearly described what is going on? America is in the flames of debt.
Yet, the leaders multiply the spending. They do nothing to put out the fires and cast the blame on others. These actions and these deceptions come from the fires of hell. Do not expect rational powers to solve this crisis. Do not think that super-committees will come up with solutions. I have constantly preached the same message. “Your problems, America, are demonic and only the power of God can save you, but you have turned away from him. Turn back and I will give you true solutions.
Comment: Some leaders are led by Satan. These powerful people have great intellects which Satan gladly enlightens for his purposes.
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