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The Forces Contained in History

Thursday, May 07, 2015


Who can describe all that is buried in the heart of human history? Heroic deeds and sinful acts are side by side. Powerful cultures have come about which daily form and even control human hearts. These are the complex forces which man faces each day of human existence.

All human history constantly flows, inevitably moving forward to some unknown future, shaped by forces that are not seen and are unknown to many. People become instruments of these forces, willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly.

I speak to reveal the greatest force of all in human history, the love which the heavenly Father has for mankind and the great gift of Jesus whom He sent because He so loved the world. I also speak of another act of the Father’s love, hidden for many centuries. Foreseeing that an age will come in human history when the evil power gained by man will reach a point where mankind would control destructive powers able to destroy earth itself and remove human life, the Father decreed that his gift of Jesus would be given again to the world in a new and completely fresh way. The gift is not new because Jesus is His Beloved Son. However, access to the gift and the outpouring of the gift will be new, as will be the signs and wonders associated with the gift. I speak because this newness is surprising and many familiar with the former ways might not know how to respond.

All can see the uniqueness of this age, that mankind controls nuclear weapons. All cannot see the newness of the Father’s gift. The Father has not abandoned the world. The Father has not been surprised by these developments. The Father has not been caught off guard. He foreknew. He planned. He acted. I am revealing this mystery planted in my Immaculate Heart.

Comment: Jesus is God’s answer and He is always finding new ways to come to us.

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