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The Flow of Blessings

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I come only to bring blessings, blessings of every kind. When man withdraws from God, he withdraws from the source of all blessings. First, one blessing is gone and then another. Man grows jealous. He sees his neighbor with blessings of which he is deprived and then he steals his blessings. Strife and discord begin and from these come open conflicts that escalate. The evil in one man’s heart spreads to a nation. One nation sees what it can steal from another.

The darkness grows. What can be done? Let us begin.

I must take mankind back to the source of all its problems. To exist, mankind needs God’s blessings, the blessings of food, of land, of water – all the material things which God has given plentifully to the earth. Mankind also needs God’s blessings upon his heart – the blessings of peace and especially the blessings of mutual love and respect. With these spiritual blessings, mankind can regulate correctly the flow of earthly goods, making sure that even the poorest nation is supplied with enough. When man receives the blessings of God, especially the blessings on his heart, then man wants to bless others. By their very nature, blessings flow out. They are never contained and they are never selfishly hoarded. If they are, they cease to be blessings.

So it is with the blessings of wealth. These are meant to flow out to others. God will replenish them. When they are selfishly stored up in barns, they burn the heart and destroy the rich. Blessings are like a river. They are meant to flow, always enriching the places which they pass through.

The problems begin when God gives these blessings but man forgets their source. They think that they have generated the blessings and that the blessings belong to them. “This is mine”, they say. O fool, the blessings are given to you to pass them on. Then, you will have greater blessings.

All evils come from this one source. Man does not acknowledge God as the source of all blessings and does not see the great privilege of being a source of blessing to others. Yes, I will say this clearly “Man can be like God. He can share in God’s powers and be a source of God’s blessing to all.

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