The Fatima Gift
Monday, August 10, 2015
The time is short but my people do not awaken. Who sounds the trumpet? Who calls for the fast? Who says, “Let us seek the Lord”? All scatter to their homes, abandoning the Church and the grave burdens that I have placed upon her shoulders. Let me speak of my Church.
You do not see her as I see her. For many, she is a relic of the past. For others, she is even an obstacle to the future, an institution that must be swept aside so the new World Order can come forth. For others, she is a place of devotions where their hearts grow warm and they can renew their friendship with a Father who loves them and a Son who redeemed them. Even these devout souls have no idea of the Church’s call. They do not see how I will exalt her. They do not grasp that she will be the only light in the darkness nor the only power that will break and destroy the satanic evils that have grasped the world and are leading it so quickly into the darkness.
This role is still hidden, waiting to come forth. Now, the world, even with all its problems, moves ahead as if nothing looms on the horizon. All the plans are for growth and building, of buying and selling. These plans presume that life will continue as it is now, that order will reign, that governments will be stable and that peace will prevail in many areas.
This is not true. I speak, not to cast fear, but to enlighten, so the Church herself prepares. This is my strong message. How can the world prepare? It has no faith. How can the world understand? It has not heard the Fatima message. You, my Church, have received those gifts.
They lie within you. They carry great power. Very soon, Fatima will take command of the Church. Fatima will guide the Church, protect the Church, and cast forth such great light that even the world will come to love Fatima. This is the greatest gift planted in your heart.
Comment: The gift of Fatima is planted deeply within the Church.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024