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The Evil of Pornography

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Come deeper into my heart where I reveal my great sorrows over centers of evil, which pour out their evil into the stream of society. I sorrow over the pornography industry. This evil takes the physical beauty meant to join couples in the intimacy of marriage and spreads this divine creation into the open for all eyes to see.

How many quickly become addicted. Some struggle to be free. Others immerse themselves in the evil. Some even fall into disgrace when their addiction is discovered.

The sign goes up “adults only” but who gave permission for adults to seek out this pleasure independent from the marriage partner. God’s greatest gift of beauty is distorted, made to serve selfish lusts and not the marriage relationship.

My great sorrow is that this evil is so widespread and enslaves so many. O reader, never accept pornography as a normal outlet of the sexual desire. Walk a narrow road. Use confession often. Start over. Even if your eyes go in one direction let your heart come to me. A day of victory will come. I will help you to secure your hard won freedom. Read these words often.

Comment: Pornography was always a problem but with the internet, it has become an evil of epidemic proportions. Mary wants to lead everyone away from its enslaving power.

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