The Emptiness of the Tomb
Monday, July 15, 2013
Finally, I come to the greatest gift in my heart, pure love for God and for others. This love is a divine fire that the heavenly Father placed in my heart at the first moment of my conception. As I accepted this fire with a total “yes”, it continually descended from the bosom of the Trinity.
Then, the Holy Spirit overshadowed me and the Word became flesh within. For nine months, the Word fed this divine fire. When I gave birth, I saw the face of Jesus for the first time. All of my motherly affections were touched by this divine fire.
As I watched Jesus grow, this fire grew also. When I sacrificed him upon the cross, only the divine fire could fill my emptiness. The full emptiness came with his burial, as the stone was rolled in front of the tomb. No one on earth nor even the angels in heaven could understand that darkness. Only the divine fire sustained me. This is the beginning teaching on this heavenly fire.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024