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The Divine Illumination

Sunday, June 10, 2012


I do not want the Church to spend its energy going around in circles or constantly getting off the path of true devotion. Coming to God, arriving in his presence and living in his face is meant to be clear and straightforward, available to all and easy to understand and accomplish.

I, the Woman Clothed With the Sun, am God’s divine secret. My light is powerful and can be seen even in the greatest darkness. I do not want any soul to be lost. For this purpose, I shine this great light of my teachings.

The soul must be right with God, honest and upright in the depth of its being. Catholic practice must not be on the surface. My light must pierce to the heart and people must accept the full light, even if it reveals their sins and failures.

A Piercing Light

Often, when I speak of light, people think of it as a guiding light. That is too superficial. My light is a piercing light, going right to the heart, exposing all the darkness that claims every human heart. This is the problem of mankind. People walk in great, inner darkness and they do not seek the only light that can free them.

In heaven, everyone is filled with light. All are purified. They see the great beauty of their souls. However, this glorious state only comes about by an infusion of divine light. This is my revelation. I am ready to pour out that divine light upon the whole world. I have already begun, in isolated cases. I will multiply this gift, especially among those who call on me and are somewhat acquainted with this experience.

By this inner light, I will bring about great saints in great numbers. I must do this now. This is my plan to overcome the future darkness.

Comment: Mary is speaking of a special divine illumination. Some have already experienced this. She promises to make it more widespread.

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