The Dance of the Sun
Saturday, September 14, 2013
All that was needed was a sign. The message was placed firmly in the children’s hearts and they would be the most faithful of messengers. However, I had to help them so the whole world would believe.
The huge crowd gathered on that October day, 1917, in great expectation. The downpour of rain had soaked the fields and the people. This, too, would be part of my sign.
The vision began as usual, with the three children seeing me clearly. Then came my promised sign, the dance of the sun (as it is called) and the phenomenon of the sun seemingly coming close to earth (which caused many to believe it was the end of the world).. Finally, all the ground and all the clothes were completely dry.
With this sign, the Fatima gift was sealed forever. The message was in the children’s hearts and the world had the sign that it needed to believe. Something special had been given to the world. Fatima contains all the blessings so desperately needed by the world which is engulfed in endless wars and permeated by unimaginable sins.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024