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The Convulsions of 2012

Monday, December 26, 2011


The whole world shakes, like a man with a high fever. Remedies are useless for the causes are beyond human understanding and human power. Yet, no one turns to me, the great antidote. Even one swallow of my love would lessen the burning fever and a full acceptance of my love would clear out this great affliction totally. All I ask is that mankind open its heart and receive the divine fire that burns so deeply in my heart.

When the fever reaches its highest pitch, convulsions take place. The body can no longer retain the fire. That is what you are seeing, the first convulsions, like the beginning pangs of birth. If these are the first convulsions, what will the final convulsions be like? What destruction must happen until these evil forces are spent and people realize that so much has been destroyed?

The Convulsions

This is what faces mankind in the year ahead, the convulsions of war, economic collapse and massive destructions. These are inevitable unless man listens to me. I say this now so that as the convulsions continue people will remember my word and will gain a measure of hope. They will say, “Our heavenly Mother foresaw all of this. She warned us that this would happen. We must go to her and find refuge in her Immaculate Heart”.

The convulsions will begin in the Middle East. The uprisings have removed the obstacles to Satan’s plan. The forces of Muslim radicalism can now be joined even more. They will begin to claim control of countries where they had been suppressed. They will have access to more money and to a more open communication. As the American influence lessens, they need not fear any military might coming against them.

A Shift of Power

They have moved to control Egypt and will do the same in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The whole face of that region will change very quickly. Dark clouds will surround Israel, which is their primary target. You must understand. Destroying Israel would vindicate radical Muslims.

They would have achieved by their destructive means what years of peaceful negotiations could not. Even moderate Muslims would have to concede their victory. All the power will shift and will no longer respect national borders. There would arise a new multi-national Muslim reality that is drunk on Jewish blood. That is what the world is facing and why I am speaking so clearly.

The Antidote

The antidote is to turn to my Immaculate Heart. The turning must be with the whole heart. It begins with believing my words. It continues with calling on my name. It is nourished by the Rosary, but it is only completed by a complete change of life, a total turning away from all darkness and toward a life that is free from every sin. Is the world capable of this? Is America ready for this? The antidote that I am offering is strong medicine but nothing else will have any effect. The time is so short!

Comment: This is Mary’s most complete description of what will happen. She also describes a full turning to her.

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