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The Coming Worldwide Light

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Are there still more secrets lying in the center of my heart? Yes, but many of them cause me sadness. Yet, even these I must share so that some are saved from the darkness.

When my great lights go forth, they will offer help and salvation to the whole world. However, enemies will arise against my special messenger. They will say, like the tenants in the parable, “Let us kill him”. Intense opposition will arise and will turn away many. Do not be dismayed if my messenger seems to be totally discredited in the eyes of the world. Still the message will go forth.

Other opposition will arise. “How can these messages be true? How will they come about?” These words will discourage many and steal my words from their hearts, just as the birds of the air stole the seeds from the ground.

Others will use force. They will persecute and even kill those who try to spread my light. They will be ostracized and ridiculed. Yet, they will know that my messages are essential to saving the world from the coming darkness. They will have the faith of the early believers who correctly saw the gospel message as God’s saving word and Jesus’ name as the only name that brings salvation. I am sad at their afflictions but rejoice that they remain faithful when persecuted.

My final sadness is that, although the light goes forth in fullness and the special messenger with many others are faithful, yet, the light will not save the whole world.

By my words, you are beginning to see the extent to which I will go, the greatness of the preparations and the worldwide graces that I will release. The present lights are not enough in the face of the darkness that already is grasping human history. Do not fear. Far more powerful and worldwide lights are already pouring forth. Believe and let nothing steal your faith.

Comment: Our Lady’s words prepare us for new lights and new opportunities. We must hold fast in our belief.

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