The Coming Muslim Menace Against Israel
Friday, November 18, 2011
These days are so important for they will be filled with many crucial decisions which will not be seen at first, and only later come to light. These are not decisions of light but decisions of darkness, all following and consolidating the basic decisions to overthrow the dictators months ago. These decisions will not be made in public. They will not be made with the knowledge and consent of the people. They will be made in secret by those groups which have their own self-interests at heart. They will be announced to the people, who will realize that their resolutions did not place power in their hands but in the hands of radical Muslims.
These Muslims have a clear agenda and are acting quickly to make sure that their influence is solid and that it can grow in the future. The doors are opening, not to the freedom which the people sought, but to a new darkness that will seem small at first but will quickly spread.
The West and Israel
The West is helpless, standing outside of the situation. Israel is threatened, placed right in the middle of the turmoil which will continue to spread to other nations that help the United States. Where and when will this end? It will end in the great confrontation (for which I am trying to prepare all those nations which call on me). It will come quickly, much sooner than anyone can now conceive.
Gathering for Years
These forces have been gathering for years, like dark clouds on the horizon. They are now filled with the rain of terror and destruction. The darkness is coming and it does not come like a thief in the night. It happens before your very eyes. Oh, it comes in disguise, under the mask of a supposedly legitimate government. Do not accept that legitimacy. Do not be fooled. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, covering over their true natures so no harsh measure are taken against them until they get close to their prey, Israel. Then, they will take off the mask and claim that they have perpetuated the acts of destruction. But, they do not know my response and how I will use their acts to bless my Church and to bless Israel.
This is the great mystery which is about to unfold.
Comment: Mary expands on the correct interpretation of the Mideast uprisings.
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