The Coming Elections
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The confusion in America will continue because the safeguards have been weakened. The figures belie the true picture. The years of high unemployment have taken away the hopes of the people. This is the most important point. The confidence of the American people that their country will be strong again has been shaken. There is no end in sight.
The solutions that will be put forward to solve the economic crisis will not be the right ones because everyone is looking at the elections. The suggestions will be political and the American people will be even more disheartened. Time is slipping away. Opportunities are lost and nothing is being accomplished.
America will then go to the election and make a choice, a choice between light and darkness.
Their issue will be the economy but the economy is not my issue. My issue is life and the protection of the unborn. My issue is truth and the protection of marriage. My issue is holiness and the keeping of the commandments. If America votes for my issues, then I will care for its economy. However, if America votes in a selfish way, electing those who will not protect life, who will not protect marriage and who will not protect my commandments, then I cannot and will not save America.
It will enter into a total darkness, without any hope. People will wring their hands and ask, “What can be done?” It is too late. They have made their choice and they scorned my issues.
Let the word go forth and let all see clearly before it is too late.
Comment: Americans focus on the economy. God focuses on other questions. Voting is extremely important and people must judge every candidate according to God’s priorities. It is already late in the game.
The Modern Day American Judas
Too many problems for modern man to handle. They crash in upon him – wars and deficits, uprisings and defaults. Problems arise on every side. Mankind never understood the world that he was building, or rather, the world that he thought he was building. Really, the world was being constructed by the Evil One who used the selfishness of man for his own purposes. He said to one, “Do this and you will be blessed”. To another, “Build this and you shall profit”.
Meanwhile, he remained in the background, allowing man to do his work.
When this stage was finished, he felt bold enough to step up his efforts and to bring to the forefront those hearts whom he had owned for a long time – the hearts of Osama bin Laden and those who followed him. For the first time, he confronted the world with his demonic power in the burning of the Twin Towers. How did the nations react? They still did not repent. They did not turn to heavenly help.
Now, he is preparing a third offensive, which will take a new form, not easy to detect. I want to reveal this before it happens but only to show the validity of these words. In this way, many will listen to my words that will reveal so much. Let us begin.
The problems for the West will come from the West. Your eyes are looking to foreign borders, to cultures not your own. However, the Evil One has, for a long time, gained the hearts of your own – your own leaders, your own statesmen, your own bankers. They are like Judases, ready to sell you out, ready to betray you for their own interests. They placed their trust in you when they saw you as strong. Now, they realize that you are weak. “America is not the place to invest. Let us take our money elsewhere”. This is what will happen. Your own sons will abandon you. They will not stand by you in the time of trial. Your weaknesses will be magnified by their departure. O America, when will you turn to me?
Comment: America is certainly in crisis. Mary predicts a betrayal which will multiply the difficulties.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024