The Church Has Lied
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
(Second locution given this day)
O Catholic Church, I come to your sins against Fatima. Before you can be my instrument, you must openly repent. It has been almost 100 years since I gave you this gift and you have sinned grievously against Fatima.
Soon, you will raise Lucy to your sacred altars, proclaiming her blessed. But how did you act toward her in her lifetime? You were like Israel toward its prophets. You ignored her, silenced her, misrepresented her and, at the very moment when you supposedly released her greatest gift (the third part of the secret), you committed your most grievous sins.
You claimed, and you still claim, that the vision of the bishop clothed in white, had been fulfilled. (Ed. Note: The Vatican stated that the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II fulfilled the prophecy.) In this, you have deceived the faithful and deprived them of their gift. You filled the world with your lies and your pretenses. “Fatima is a vision of the past” you claimed. “Forget about this vision. It has nothing to say about the future”. That lie still has not been repented of. Until it is, you cannot move forward.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024