Marian Cross - Transparent Background

The Children of the Secular Age

Monday, March 03, 2014


So many hearts are empty because they are deprived of heaven’s blessings. In the Age of Faith, people were filled with these blessings and human life was ordered according to divine beliefs. Now, these blessings have been stolen, often deliberately stolen by those who knew their value. Children are not born in cultures of faith and have no idea of their heavenly inheritance. Their desires are limited to earth and their hearts seek what can never satisfy.

I speak to the children of this secular age. I sorrow for you. You have been cheated, robbed, defrauded and left by the wayside. You have not abandoned the road of faith. It has never been shown to you.

Can I not lead you? Can I not draw you? Even though you began in darkness, I can bring you into light. Come, let us begin now. Call upon me and I will give you the light that your culture has withheld from you. Do not be afraid of the demands made by faith. These also are light.

Comment: The culture filled older Catholics with faith. The young are deprived of these helps.

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