The Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Let the heavens open up and the blessings of God rain down upon every part of the earth. Can this happen? Did not the fire of the Holy Spirit fall upon Jerusalem and was not the whole earth blessed by the preaching of the disciples? Now, Christian believers are everywhere so when the heavens open the Spirit does not need to be limited to Jerusalem. This is why I speak – to prepare the world for a second outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Look at those disciples. They will be your model. They knew that Jesus had died, had risen and had ascended into heaven. They were told to return to Jerusalem and await the Holy Spirit. They obeyed. They spent these days of waiting united in prayer and I was with them. This was all that was needed. The Spirit was sent and they received.
A Second Pentecost
Can this not happen again? Cannot the fire of heaven be given again? Can there not be open manifestations of the Spirit? Are not millions of people speaking in tongues and praising God in spiritual languages? Cannot this happen to the whole Church? What precludes this? What are the obstacles? I speak now very seriously.
The fire of Pentecost was sent upon the Catholic Church in 1967. The movement grew and gained many adherents. But, many others turned their back on this outpouring. Others ignored it or did not see its potential. This was a special moment. Some responded fully and did all they could to publicize these powerful gifts which suddenly were available once more. But, the majority in the Catholic Church were uninterested.
An Important Moment
This was an important moment. The heavens had opened and the Spirit was sent upon the whole world but the effects were, in most cases, lost. Now, the Heavenly Father wants to pour out the Holy Spirit again, giving the Church a second opportunity to respond. The initial grace was not adequately received. Look at your Church, bishops and priests. Is your church today stronger than in 1967? Is it more robust and growing? I want my words to cut to your heart, just as Peter’s words “cut to the heart” of his believers (Acts 20:37).
They rejected my Son, but you have rejected the special powers of His Spirit. This is your final opportunity. Do not set aside my call. Vast problems are at the door of the Church and only the Holy Spirit can overcome.
Look at these problems. Can you solve them by yourselves? That is what you have tried to do for the past 45 years without any success.
Comment: The Catholic Charismatic Renewal begun in 1967 and has had a great effort upon many people. However, an extremely small percentage of Catholics have taken advantage of this gift. This Renewal is like Fatima; a gigantic gift that is still not opened.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024